Throughout this class, we’ve discussed approaching sales with just a human perspective. A lot of times when we think of salespeople, we can view them as being distant, and even robotic. Like they’re reading off a script to us. In fact, I just interacted with a woman on the phone, who was trying to sell me life insurance. While I did refuse, it left me thinking about how that could have gone down differently, if we had some sort of human connection. My friend says that telemarketers stress her out, and I can see how. As much as we may like technology, as humans we just want to connect with each other on the level that no other species can. We crave human connection. If you give someone that in a sales setting, they will respond positively, even if you don’t close the deal. “Keeping it personal” is part of serving in sales, because connecting with people in sales, we can brighten people’s days and make the world a better place. So keep acting human, peeps!

One thought on “Humanness in Sales”
  1. How cool is it that we don’t have to try to act like a machine?! We can just be who we are. I agree that human interaction and establishing a meaningful connection with your prospect is absolutely a key part of sales!

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