Often times, we think that there’s a certain type of person or personality that is naturally gifted for sales. We can view someone else as “that person” and be too afraid to venture into the world of sales. However, throughout this class, we’ve learned that a lot of sales is just being able to ask good questions, listen, and then synthesize what you’ve learned into a great solution that’s beneficial for both you and your customer. The awesome thing about this is that anyone can be a salesperson! Being a salesperson doesn’t mean that you have to be loud and super bold, it just means that you have to be able to listen. And that’s a skill that you can learn. In addition, having a different personality as a salesperson than what people might expect can help you to connect with different people and in different ways.  So don’t be afraid to sell because of who you are! Anyone can do it!

One thought on “Being a “Natural””
  1. This is one of my favorite things that we’ve learned in class. It’s so cool that as a salesperson you don’t have to try to be someone else, you simply incorporate the characteristics of listening, etc. into your personality and truly try to help people!

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