The movie We Bought a Zoo is good for a lot of things: heartwarming plots, adorable animals, young love, adorable kids, old love, and… maybe even sales advice. There’s a scene in the movie, where the father tells his son that it only takes 20 seconds of courage to be able to do something great. This is a concept that I apply to my own life a lot. Whether it’s sending in a resume, talking to someone for the first time, or sending a risky gif in a group message. This is also a good idea to keep in mind during prospecting. Prospecting is not normally a fun part of sales. No one wants to have to find people who they can sell to, especially if this is through cold calling. Cold calling is awkward and hard and it can feel like you’re inconveniencing someone. However, if you just take those 20 seconds of insane courage to work up the guts to call another person, or to talk someone about your product, great things can come from it. And it’s normally just that initial conversation starter or that initial time it takes to get the ball rolling that’s so uncomfortable. So, exercise your courage, and great things may happen.

One thought on “20 Seconds of Courage”
  1. yes! I love the movie clip – great example! I think courage is huge in sales, especially right when you’re getting started. Sometimes if you just put yourself out there good things will happen.

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