I will never view the world the same.

As part of this sales class, we’ve learned that selling has changed in the past few decades. Nefarious practices were once the norm, and years of this resulted in a lasting assumption on salesman: greasy. Moneygrubbing. Sub-human. Predatory.

I must say, this was how I saw things. And when I went into sales work, I assumed this was the character I was supposed to be. I think of myself as a man of ethics, and this sort of tricky behavior made me feel uncomfortable. I was not willing to assume this unethical character. I could never figure out these secret “tricks” deployed by salespeople. Because of these invalid assumptions, I was a confused and unskilled salesman. This is such a prevalent vain of stinkin’ thinkin’ (as Zig Ziglar would say) and most do not realize this.

Never, and I mean NEVER, had I thought of the sales process as a helping process until this class. The concept of serving your customer. An attitude of servitude. Thinking ONLY of the customers needs, and if they need not the product, then you need not the sale. The focus is hardly even the sale! Knowing that your work has made someone better off is far more satisfying of a reward than just cash.

It’s the Biblical way of going about the process! This is how Jesus would’ve sold.

I am far more equipped as a salesman now thanks to this core principle. One must build a strong foundation for a sturdy house, and I’m still building my sales cathedral.  Let the heads of the pre-concieved sales notions roll.

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