Compared to my last blog post on my bad car sales experience, this post will be about the great car sales experience.

To start out, I was looking for a new car to lease, as I stated in my last post, my old car finally hit the curb and died. So, I went online to find a cheap car to lease that was near me. As I looked I did not find much. Then I found a 2019 VW that they were leasing for cheap as it was at the end of the year and were trying to get rid of as many cars as possible. I was a bit skeptical at first, so I used their websites chat system to talk to a sales rep. The sales rep did not get my hopes up too high as she tried to sell me on the car before I even got to the dealership. Thus, when my mother and I first entered the car dealership, I was expecting to be bombarded by a “sleezy” car salesman who would take me to the car he wanted me to get.

To my surprise, I was greeted by a single man who asked, “So what brings you here today?” To this question we answered the sales rep sent us. He then proceeded to take us into the back where we greeted the sales rep. In person, she did not seem as pushy as she was online. She then got a salesman. This is where the experience became a good one. The salesman began by asking us who we were and where we came from. Why we were getting the car. Then he talked about taking the car for a test drive. Through the whole test drive he sat in the back explaining the details of the car, or would talk to us about our lives.

As we got back, he then gave us some more details about the car, and finally took us inside to sign papers. There was no back and forth with the invisible manager, all he did was print out the full listing of possible prices and the legal documents. At this point it was late and we needed to get going. So we set up tomorrow to be the day we actually would by the car. So the salesman gave us his number to contact him. We left.

Sadly I had work the next day, but we ended up getting a better deal than what we went in for. And we also got a friend out of the salesman.

In Pink, he talks about how we are all sales people, even when we are not selling a product. In the moment of selling the car to us, that salesman was also selling himself as a person, and friend. In the time that he spent at that specific dealership he had sold almost two times as many cars as the highest rated salesperson on the team in one year. Our salesman was there for three months. He sold more cars by selling himself, and not the car.

One thought on “Good Car Sales Experience.”
  1. This a good example of what we talked about in class as well as what Pink talks about in the book. It is nice to see sales people that just let the customer experience the product. I mean honestly if your product can’t sell its self you may want to look at that first. I think sales persons job is to help the customer experience the product so they can decide if it satisfies their needs and wants.

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