Being responsible for a man or woman’s shopping experience can be a daunting task, especially when you have never worked in retail prior to that job. From the summer of 2016 till early 2017, I worked as a sales associate for Jack’s Outfitters, a high-end fashion boutique. This brick-and-mortar apparel store was stocked with designer brands of which I knew little about. What kept this store running was the abundance of individuals within our target market, middle-high class millennials and middle-aged folks. I sold a wide variety of apparel, from buffalo skin belts to Tommy Bahama pullovers.

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My first couple months as a salesman was quite scary and filled with many nervous encounters with demanding customers. I quickly realized that what would make or break my career was my ability to connect with the customer personally, and display a vast knowledge about all products. After a few weeks of off-the-clock research, I began to get the hang of how to talk to customers and display the knowledge I had. I learned the importance of introducing myself and acting extremely professional when helping a high-caliber customer. The easier customers to get a sale out of were the teenager because I could easily understand what they wanted and what would look cute and trendy on them. The more difficult customers to please were the older individuals who were more specific and picky about things. For instance, I learned that older men loved learning about all of the special features available regarding the higher-end dress shirts we carried. The terms “wrinkle-free”, “wick-free”, and “best-selling” were game-changers. These men loved a good, firm handshake complimented with a confident voice. Older women love a salesman who is warm and welcoming. Someone who opens the door for them or holds their umbrellas when it is raining. These small details make a large impact on my time as a sales associate and I hope they help you as well.

2 thoughts on “Selling High-End Fashion Can be Scary”
  1. It is very impressive how you were able to learn your customers in a relatively short period of time. Knowing the products and knowing the customer is perfect when being a salesman. Great post!

  2. Sometimes the retail industry can be brutal, so it’s great that you learned how to talk to different groups of people and connect with them. I think that the experience you had here will be able to help you in your professional career as well!

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