What does dedication to a job look like? And dedication to selling?

Meet Reginald Huntley. Born in December of 1918 – yes, that means he is 97 years old – Reginald has worked for eight decades, six of which were spent as a salesman. What kind of advice does a sales hero like Reginald have to impart to those of us just getting our start? What is the secret to his success? “I mustn’t publicise that too much. I don’t want people to catch on to the idea,” says Reginald. He wakes up at 6 am everyday and works from 9 am until 5 pm: “I hate the thought of sitting at home because people deteriorate.” He attributes his long life to exercise, sleep, healthy eating, and to his work.

Despite his age, Reginald Huntley has no intention of retiring.
Peter Holmes, Reginald’s manager, said: “He is a great asset to the company and a role model for society, we’re very proud of his achievements… We can all take a valuable lesson from Reg’s passion for life and business.” Reginald must be a great salesman to hold a job at his age, in which he is in charge of 300 customers, and drives 250 miles a week to meet people. I can’t begin to imagine how prepared he is as a salesman for unexpected situations, or think of all of the wild experiences he must have had over his lifetime. He is an inspiration to commit to selling, but more than that he is proof that selling can be a career so enjoyable that you will start, and then never stop doing it.

2 thoughts on “Until Death Do Us Part”
  1. This was a really cool story. I’m sure that he has a ton of advice that he could give to so many people. It’s also interesting and impressive that he has been in sales for so long, but he was able to adapt with it as time has gone on because he obviously seems successful. It seems like most salespeople end up losing their touch as times change. It doesn’t seem like he has.

  2. This is a really cool story – I can’t imagine being that old and still wanting to do so much work. I think this is a really good example of how if you love what you do, you will want to do it for a long time. This is also a great thing about sales, it doesn’t matter how old you are, it just matters if you can connect with your customers!

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