In yesterday’s class we talked a lot about prospecting, so I thought it would be quite a good idea to write about it in this post. We defined prospecting as “actively searching for qualified potential buyers.” In every sales scenario there is an initial stage where you determine if this person could be a customer. Basically, prospecting is just having a conversation to get to know them. Just like Professor Sweet and I talking about my made up fishing business. In order to fully understand the art of prospecting I thought I would share some insights from this article I saw. The author, Dennis Green, had 10 tips from prospecting to closing.

1. Even your worst criticism is a sales opening.

Prospects have the potential to be hostile towards you just because they think your selling. The article’s example talked about how the prospect had a predisposition about insurance salesman as thieves and crooks. It’s hard to break down such a strong barrier. The guy ended up asking him to give him a chance and a business relationship formed.

2. A little theatrics can go a long way.

When he says theatrics he doesn’t mean becoming a Broadway actor or improvising your way into a relationship. The example he used was more of an illustration which showed the pain of what it would be like not to get a check for disability income insurance.

3. There is gold in the clients you already have.

This principle is talking about the idea of expanding the business you already have with established clients. It’s never a bad idea to go back and inquire how a past client is doing even if they didn’t buy from you. It shows you care and that positive word of mouth will do wonders for you.

Prospecting is always the beginning of the sales process. Sales is becoming more about establishing a relationship with the customer and being there solutions provider. Without properly handling the prospecting stage, you will never get to a sale or have any business relationships.

You can read more about this article here.

By Falco

One thought on “The Art of Prospecting”
  1. These are good tips! I think appreciating clients that you are already working with is especially important. That will really improve customer retention and the word of mouth (even if they don’t buy) is really valuable.

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