I’m sure a lot of people have watched the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street, and like me I’m sure many enjoyed it. Coach Dido brought up the movie when he asked at the beginning class can you sell me this pen. In the movie when Leonardo DiCaprio asks for someone to sell him this pen and when they cannot he explains how sales work. In the movie he emphasizes supply and demand and takes the pen from the person and tells them to write their name, without a pen they realize that the salesman has the power. But as coach Dido explained it is important that you try to help the person you are selling and should believe in what you are selling.

In the movie Jordan Belfort is depicted as a sly salesman who is just trying to make money where he can. He depicts a typical salesman that most would not want to try to bargain with however he did see results. In the beginning of the movie Belfort learned from experienced brokers and then later got into selling penny stocks. This is where you realize that Belfort is looking to make the most money possible and does not believe in trying to make the sale mutually beneficial to the consumer and himself. For example, when he creates his own company, he explains to his employees that they are selling stock that is not worth anything but because they are fifty percent commission, they are the best stocks to sell for a broker. Belfort’s script for his employees stressed exaggerating the future of these penny stocks. This is a prime example of a shady salesman and what not to do if you want to become a successful business man that has strong relationships with your clients. I do believe that Belfort has the proper confidence which is what made him successful, but I realize that it is always important to tell the truth, in order to build a strong character for yourself.

2 thoughts on “The Wolf of Wall Street”
  1. It’s awesome that we can learn these lessons from film and other people’s experiences and therefore avoid feeling these consequences ourselves. Always be on the lookout for shady sales and always remind yourself that honesty should always trump a lucrative opportunity.

  2. This is probably my favorite movie of all time. I love stories based off of the real deal especially how this one is about a salesman who rose up by convincing people that his products were guaranteed to make them money. It’s the perfect example of how a salesman should sound when trying to sell.

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