One of my favorite photographers, Alex Strohl, is extremely talented and has a great eye while behind the lens.  With 1.9 million followers on Instagram, you could say that he is pretty popular.  A strong suit of just his Instagram profile would be his theme or aesthetics of his page.  The majority of his pictures are nature, but he is able to differentiate them by the place, angles, or subject matter.  Having content that not only is great but all partially similar is a popular trend to be followed lately.  People love following accounts that are slightly predictable in aspects like theme or aesthetics, but are still bringing new and distinct photos with each post.

Alex has made a name for himself by showcasing his photography and has done quite well in the process.  By spreading the word of his talent by platforms like Instagram, he has connected with other photographers, businesses in need of photographers, and people that want to learn from him.  He currently is selling a photography workshop that outlines his techniques and stories from photography, a great opportunity for people to learn more about the art, in depth.  Alex has even connected with people for fun photoshoots, not just for business aspects but has found opportunities later on to reconnect for business purposes.  His website is the best way that he is able to showcase his best photos, but his other online presences like Instagram show more of his day-to-day activities, making it more relatable to people. 

I think it is so important in today’s society to know how to sell yourself, sometimes over a product or service.  Especially with photography, selling your talent and ability is more crucial then the photos you have previously shot.  It is all about giving the potential customer the photos they would want, which takes dedication to your work and care for the customer’s needs.  With the many career opportunities with photography, it is vital to build a relationship with the customer desiring the photos.

One thought on “Sales in Photography”
  1. I think you hit the nail on the head here, selling your talent and giving the customer what they want. (Powell would be proud!). I’m always amazed at how Instagram can lead people to success in things like modeling, and make-up, and photography. When you think of being a professional photographer without any other form of income, it seems almost impossible, but Instagram and other social media platforms have made it so much more accessible!

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