When I was young my father always told me to be careful of car salesmen because they will always rip you off. And when I went with my mother to purchase a new car, I realized why I needed to be cautious. When we walked in there were multiple sales people ready to take care of us but one man came up and introduced himself as “your car guy” which threw me off at the begging. But we went through all the usual stuff of looking at the car we chose online and took it for a test drive. She loved the car and that was noticed by the salesman right away which is why he tried to take advantage of her weakness. When we got back to the dealership, he started to throw some prices our way that were no where near in the price range we had discussed. So, we tried to haggle a lower price, but he kept saying that he couldn’t possibly go any lower, even though he definitely could. When he finally said that this was his final offer that he could do I told him thank you very much and got up to leave. My mother on the other hand looked at me like I made a terrible mistake and there was no way we were leaving without getting her dream car. But I finally convinced her to leave and when we got into the car she kept saying the price wasn’t that bad it was just a little over what we were willing to spend and I had to explain to her that he would call us by the next day with a lower offer and then we would take it. I was however wrong; he didn’t call the next day he called right when we got home to tell us that he had a better offer for us. Its hard to tell in the moment but a car dealers final offer is never really their final offer.

6 thoughts on “Final Offer”
  1. This is a really interesting post! Its hard to believe that so many salesmen could lie at any time and use knowledge of the prospect to take advantage of them. But you and your mom ultimately had the power in the sale which is very cool to see! Great post!

  2. What a great story! This is advice that should be headed by everyone, at some point, we will all be in a situation like this. The same goes for car repair shops too! I have had many many experiences of auto dealers trying to rip me off, then I take my car to a different shop to find their price is 300% lower. What a world we live in.

  3. I am sure many have stories like this, and that kind of stinks. If more salespeople were honest instead of always scheming for that extra dollar people would be more open to trusting salespeople. More Grove City salespeople are needed in this world.

  4. What a story! The way that all panned out is unreal. Way to have confidence in how you controlled the situation. It is also crazy how well your mother trusted you so much; my mother would have never trusted me at all.

  5. I have definitely experienced similar things to this. It is sad, because you want the principles that we have learned about in this class to be apparent everywhere, and for people to actually care about prospecting more than closing, but unfortunately, that is still not always the case. However, I think that with the increasingly equal distribution of knowledge, this problem is becoming less frequent.

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