Rule #7: “You Never Have to Like Prospecting, You Just Have to Do It”. As discussed in The Sandler Rules by David Mattson, prospecting is the process of actively searching for qualified potential buyers. This is obviously an important aspect of a sales professional. After all the lifeblood of any business is new business. Salesman must take the proper steps to meet new potential customers, discover whether or not you could help them and then close the deal. If you can’t prospect your going to have a tough time in a career in sales.

When it comes to the life of a sales professional, you need to always have your “A” game. Every single person you talk to could lead to a sale, whether your think it or not. This may seem a bit outrageous but it most certainly is the truth. You may be cold calling, talking to a possible buyer you know is interested, at your first meeting with a potential client, or even post sale, you must always have yourself together. Clients want to work with someone who is consistent and seems to actually care about helping the other person in the mutually beneficial exchange. Prospecting is the start to this relationship. Start off on the right foot and keep it there or else your going to have a tough time sustaining and growing your client base.


3 thoughts on “Always Bring Your “A” Game”
  1. Having a solid prospecting strategy is definitely a vital part of growing your business. Many businesses are content just to live on their old customers, repeat buyers, and the occasional referral or hot lead. If your goal as a business is really to grow at a healthy rate though, prospecting is a necessary evil. Although almost anybody COULD be a customer, the fact of the matter is that most people are NOT going to buy from you. This rejection deters many salespeople from cold calls and such, but the fact of the matter is that its the salesman who is willing to face the rejection and move on that is going to be the real winner at day’s end.

  2. I 100% agree with you that consistency is key! In the sales world, you never know where your next customer could be, or who you’re going to bump into and engage in conversation with, so I think that being on top of your game is huge! At the same time, if you give a customer a bad sales experience, or even a bad impression, people talk, and the detriment that this could have upon your business, or lack of, could be huge!

  3. I think you make some really good point here. It is important that especially in today’s world everyone could be a customer or could know someone who could be a customer. You don’t want to poorly represent your company at any time either, but it could also have lasting negative effects for you.

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