As long as I can remember, my dad has always been selling. I do not mean only selling software, services, and products, but also selling his incredible faith and vast wisdom. In terms of his abilities to sell within a business setting, he is truly a valuable asset to any business he is working for. My father has an uncanny ability to connect with anyone about anything. Being such a people-oriented man, he is able to apply his knack for connecting to open up the most difficult selling opportunity. Just after a brief conversation with him, people tend to trust my dad and respect his trustworthiness and loyalty. He has earned prestigious awards within his well-respected business, has been asked to speak at numerous conferences, and continues to grow amazing relationships with the clients in his account. He is the definition of a class act and will serves unconditionally. These are not only the characteristics of an incredible salesman but also of a man who loves the Lord.

I distinctly remember riding in the car with him one day when he began to share with me a story about how he witnessed a scary accident involving a motorcycle. He saw this bike hit another vehicle traveling high speeds and proceeded to slide across the highway and down a steep hill. My dad slammed on the breaks and immediately ran over to the man, potentially about to save his life if needed. Thankfully, the injuries were not life-threatening and my dad proceeded to call an ambulance. My dad stayed with this man through medical evaluations and paperwork, eventually offering him a ride back home since his bike was totaled. The man thankfully accepted his offer and they began to head back to his house. On the way back, my father began to “sell” his faith. He told this man of all the amazing things that the Lord has done for him and our family. He shared with him the beauty of the gospel and how His amazing grace can wipe his slate completely clean. That accident ended up saving the mans life.

I respect this man more than anyone and am so ecstatic that he will be a guest speaker in our class. I am sure that his knowledge of sales will be valuable to all.

One thought on “Selling Faith”
  1. This sounds a lot like my father, besides the going out and selling. It’s awesome to see other great fathers who care so much about the Word and others.

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