If you are a sports enthusiast, I am sure that you have heard of the recent shoe disaster that unfortunately happened to Zion Williamson. Zion is a college basketball play at Duke University and will most likely be the number one draft pick this year in the NBA draft. With the hype of this young man it is understandable that ticket sales for the Duke vs. UNC game were extremely high, with the most expensive ticket being over 2,000 dollars.

                Unfortunately, many were upset with the outcome of that game and the despair started with the Zion’s accident at the begging in of the game. Thirty-three seconds into the game Zion tries to cut back his shoe blows out at the seam. Many were shocked at seeing this and looking at it from sales perspective it is a disaster. Nike is known for making great athletic shoes and many colleges and athletes are sponsored by them. After this happened Nike’s stock dropped 1.37%, which is a huge drop in one day for a company worth billions of dollars.  

                After this how does Nike recover and what can they do to keep their name out of the gutter. Especially with the salesmen at stores, how are they going to be able to sell Nike’s product with this in the media. Now many people do understand that it was a freak accident and will most likely not happen to everyone out there, but it still will make it hard on salespeople at Nike. When people come into a Nike store and ask a salesman “Will these shoes last me a long time and stay together?” These sales people are going to have to be able to explain that this incident was just an accident and still be able to sell the shoe with this story out there. This is why selling can be so difficult, something insane can happen that will most likely never happen again, but it still happened and that’s what people will think about for a long time. It’s a salesman’s job to change the mind of the consumer and with this incident it may be a lot harder for a retail salesman at Nike in your local mall.

One thought on “The Difficulties of Selling”
  1. I will be interested to see if Nike releases a statement to their employees about what the salespeople should say to customers when the incident is brought up. Consistency is often key in this situation.

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