We have recently learned in sales, that mimicking other peoples body language and matching their excitement can help a customer feel an instant connection with you as a buyer. I realize how crucial it is for the buyer to feel understood to the point that even posture can put a customer at ease. It is because these things are familiar to the customer it is who they are and I can’t but help think about how often familiarity plays into our choices.

Although people say they are all about the new, it is clear in both peoples lives and how we must approach a sale, that people don’t like to much change. In general people only try to fix a pain or buy something they need, when it has gotten to the point that they are forced to act. Knowing this can help sellers remember the importance of starting from square one.

It is important not to make big jumps with customers. A salesman should start out slow and find out where the customer is coming from, because everything is a learning opportunity. Salespeople should not overwhelm the customer when they have new information. Instead they should bring this new information to the customer on a level he is familiar with.

Sales is really no different than talking to people. When you start up a regular conversation, you have to start with a common experience to converse about. These common experiences allow us to relate and feel comfortable with each other. It tells us that although we are different people our experiences go beyond the physical and allow us to enter into each others minds and understand that we are not so different.

This is crucial in selling we must use our common experiences and pains to relate and convey to customers the purpose of our product. It is only because we have both seen a or felt a pain in our lives that the salesman and the customer meet. This is why it is so crucial for the salesmen to empathize and let the customer know that he is aware pf the problem and has just the right solution.

So whether its through body language or a similarity found through conversation, a customer must know that you are on the same page about his pain and needs otherwise how can he trust your opinions.

3 thoughts on “Be on the same page”
  1. I absolutely agree with the points made in this article. I work at a country club and provide services to the members there. Not all the members are the same age, so depending on how hold they are and how they present themselves to me influences my actions towards them.

  2. I think you make some very valid points about how people like what they know and are comfortable with. However, I think that an addendum could be added to that statement, because not all people prefer what they are familiar with. I think there are definitely innovators and early adopters and people who like to be pushed to try new things, and while this is the minority, it is important to understand when evaluating customer needs and personalities.

  3. There are a lot of good points in this post. Making people comfortable and having a normal conversation with them are especially important. It should happen all throughout the meeting, and not just at the beginning. If they are comfortable with you, they will be more willing to trust you and what you have to say. They will also probably trust the solution you have more and be more willing to work with you.

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