Benjamin Kapelushnik was just 13 years old when he began to resell shoes for profit. At age 15, Ben began to take on his business seriously by buying different pairs of shoes in bulk, and then reselling them. His first sale came when he bought a pair of shoes worth $400 and sold them for $4,000. At first his dad was calling him stupid for his purchase of expensive shoes, but later realized that his son was becoming a young salesman with a passion. One of Ben’s first bulk purchases was 85 pairs of Air Jordan’s. This is where his main of train of thought came into play and changed the way he sold sneakers forever. He began to realize that he was really just the middle man between the final consumer and the other re-sellers. Ben saw this issue in the reselling market where re-sellers were struggling to find their perfect customer that wanted the shoe they owned and the size they needed. Not only was Ben smart with his business decisions he caught a break through social media when DJ Khaled posted a video of him at his house. Once this caught traction, Ben’s business was now big enough that he could buy and get rid of shoes in an instant due to the fact that the size of his potential market grew through social media. He became the guy that the re-sellers would sell everything they owned to him. This process benefited everyone. The re-sellers who had access to exclusive shoes, but didn’t have a market to sell to would just sell their shoes to Ben for a profit; in turn Ben would resell the shoes once again and make a profit for himself as well. When it comes to selling to celebrities, Ben is very composed and plays his business character well. Instead of asking for pictures he works on building relationships with them. Due to his early maturity and knowing how to act around possible prospects, he has put himself in a very successful position for the rest of his career.
3 thoughts on “Boomin”
  1. I think Ben played the social media marketing game perfectly. He linked up with DJ Khaled who is known for posting on social media very frequently and waited to let that post take him to the top. Once at the top Be didn’t change his game. He continued to stay with high end sneakers for those who can afford them. I think Ben is a very bright business person and will continue to do impressive things in his lifetime.

  2. It sounds like Ben is really good at building relationships and connecting with people. That is probably the reason that someone as big as DJ Khaled would want to help him out. He definitely has a great business model and a wide range of connections, which helps him out.

  3. I love hearing this kind of story, where people start their own business based on things they are passionate about and can get ahead of the curve with market demands and trends. Even when his father thought his business idea was stupid, he persevered and was ultimately rewarded for it.

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