I am sure I like all of you have been asked this question a infinite amount of times. Every family party, new person you meet or elder person just needing know will ask you this exact question. They sometimes follow it up with ” ohh, so your going to start your own business?”, and the answer “yeah … maybe … I don’t really know yet.” The real answer is a essay long. Someone with a entrepreneurship major has endless possibilities when looking at career paths.

  1. This one is pretty obvious to most people, a sales person. Entrepreneur majors usually are very personable, understand business, and are okay with being shut down while either pitching a idea or making a proposal. I think a sales person is a great career path. A lot of the times you get payed as hard as you work, you get paid of commission most likely, so you will work hard to make your money. Also, in this position you have the opportunity to work your wat up, either a small company or larger corporation will recognize your hard work and will reward you.
  2. Business Consultant. I think this is the best overall fit for a entrepreneur if they are not trying to start their own business. A business consultant goes into already existing businesses and realizes the problem and solves it. Isn’t that what entrepreneurs do? Recognize a problem and then solve it! You can move your way up a company’s ladder if you put in the work necessary.
  3. Research and development. I think this applies to some entrepreneurs. If you have taken the Kolbe Index test then this could help you. Some people really enjoy research, others like to learn their own way off of trial and error. I think if you are a entrepreneur who researches this is a great job for you.
  4. There are more jobs like mid-level management, teacher of sorts, recruiter, and many more. I think what’s most important thing when answering this question is to give your answer. Not what you’ve been told what to do after college, but what you can see your self doing.
3 thoughts on “How to answer the question, “What are you going to do with a Entrepreneurship major””
  1. I completely agree with your statement that entrepreneurs have unlimited opportunities waiting for them. An entrepreneurial minded person can become good at anything and then some by innovating in their specific field of choice.

  2. I believe that the entrepreneurship major gets a bad rap because most people view it as people who are going to start their own business or go into sales. However, they are more so problem solvers at the end of the day and businesses need problem solvers all the time so why not have multiple jobs available?

  3. I get that question about the entrepreneurship major a lot as well. I am with you that there are many opportunities for entrepreneurship majors, even if it is not in their own business. Businesses are looking for creative people who can innovate and develop ideas and the business.

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