In our modern world full of acceptance and welcome we become numb to the sense of the way which we physically look effecting our outward interactions. Most people now (including myself) feel that appearance should not have an impact on the way you are perceived and consequently judged. However, in reality, especially in the world of sales, the way in which you present yourself can have an outstanding impact on your success. Here are a few reasons why this is true.

Possibly the most crucial reason why your professionalism in your appearance matters is because of the weight carried by first impressions. Walking into a potential clients office looking like Matthew McConaughey on the left is no way to leave a good, lasting first impression. Clients will often hold to their first impressions of a salesman, even if you are the nicest person with the best product, they may write you off before you even get a chance to sell.

We now move on from first impressions of the client, and into the mind of the salesperson themselves. Being in professional attire not only boosts the salesperson’s self confidence but also sharpens their minds. Sure, you may not be as comfortable as if you were wearing your favorite sweatpants and a hoodie, but it will be much easier to feel as though your mind is sharp, and able to perform at its fullest.

Finally, you want to look your best when selling because your appearance truly is your brand. If you are known as the one who dresses and carries themselves sloppily, people will tend to believe you perform in accordance with this throughout your business endeavors. If you desire to come across as a salesperson who knows what they are talking about, has themselves together, and is delivering a quality product, present yourself as such because if you wait for your words to make the first impression, you may have waited too long.

By ODayBJ1

4 thoughts on “Appearance Shouldn’t Matter… But it Does.”
  1. I think these are all great points. Another one you could even add on is that if I am a salesperson and I meet with you and you are dressed unprofessionally that may change my strategy approaching you or even make me not want to sell to you.

  2. This is a great article on the idea behind professionalism and why it is important. As our culture continues to gain support towards asking why it matters how someone looks, this article provides the ideal response. Appearance will always matter and always should.

  3. It is interesting that ideal dress in some industries has changed throughout the years, but a suit is still the uniform of a businessman. It just has that character of seriousness to it that shows that you can truly help the client. Great article!

  4. This is definitely an important aspect of sales that can be uncomfortable to address sometimes. Especially in our society people can easily take offense to the kind of constructive criticism that could lead to them increasing their professional “look”. I definitely agree that looks and appearance, somewhat unfortunately, matter a lot in any sales situation.

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