When I think about good sales experiences, I immediately think of Nordstom. I have never been to a store that takes such good care of its customers. This is just one example of an incredible experience I had there…

It was my senior year of highschool and I needed a prom dress. This is normally a fun experience for girls, but for girls at my school, it was normally just stressful. My school (being a private Christian school) had a ton of requirements that dresses had to meet, like length, sleeve length, etc. Their rules for prom dresses pretty much rules out most dresses you would find in a normal school. SO, we all had to go to specialty stores and spend a lot more money than we wanted to.

One year, however, my friend told me to go to Nordstom to get my dress, because she had gotten hers there and had had a great experience. I took her recommendation, and went there with my mom a few days later. As soon as we walked into the dress department, a woman walked up to us, introduced herself, and asked our names. She remembered our names, and called me by my name for the rest of the time I was there, which was the first time I had ever had a clothing salesperson do that. It made me feel more important, and was a great sales tactic. She then asked me what I was shopping for, what the occasion was, and what I wanted in a dress. She walked around the floor with me and asked me to point out some dresses I liked, even if they didn’t fully meet the requirements I needed for my school. As we walked around, she pulled out the dresses I said I liked, and then went back and pulled out other similar dresses which she thought would better meet my schools requirements. In the end, I picked one of her recommendations.

She made a stressful and frustrating experience fun and stress free by being incredibly attentive, listening well, and helping me find what I wanted. This is what I think of when I think of a great salesperson.

2 thoughts on “Nordstrom”
  1. I have absolutely no experience shopping for prom dresses but this sounds like an enjoyable experience. In the same realm I had a great experience when renting my tux. The salesmen also remembered my name, asked me what I wanted and helped me get what I wanted in the end. Salespeople like this are great for getting the sale and we should all take notes of how great salespeople work. I’m glad you found your dress!

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