Have you always thought that the best salespeople are extroverted? That is actually not correct. Anyone can be a good salesperson. There are characteristics of introverts and extroverts that make both groups excellent salespeople, and also some negatives about each group. An ambivert is probably the best type of person to be, since they are a mix of the two, but anyone can be a good salesperson.
Let’s start with extroverted people. They get energy from being around people. They are usually thought of as outgoing people who like to talk and socialize, and usually have a lot of friends. Introverts, on the other hand, get their energy from small groups of people or being alone. They listen more and have a few close friends.
Extroverts are usually thought of as salespeople, and more of them go into sales. But introverts actually usually do better in sales than extroverts. This is mainly because they like to listen and are good at it. They also are good at thinking, which can help when trying to solve the customer’s problem.
The reason extroverts usually go into sales and do well is because they like talking and connecting with people. They are good at having a conversation. The thing they need to worry about is not talking too much, and making sure they are listening to the prospect.
Introversion and extroversion can be thought of as on a spectrum. It is rare to have people who are all the way on one side or the other. Most people are a mix of the two and are somewhere in the middle. Someone who is a true mix is an ambivert. They have qualities from both introverts and extroverts. As long as it is a good mix of the qualities, these people will probably do the best in sales.
In the end, anyone – introvert, extrovert, or ambivert – can excel at sales. Each person has qualities that help when selling.

One thought on “Introverted Versus Extroverted Salesperson”
  1. Super interesting stuff. I love learning about the differences between introverts and extroverts. I think learning about these things is important for lots of people so that they can better understand themselves.

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