Rejection. It’s not a word that is pleasant to anyone. Whether it’s on a personal or professional level being rejected never feels good. It is an inevitable aspect of life though and ultimately helps us to learn and become better people and professionals. Albert Einstein once said that “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new.” In sales you have to go out of your comfort zone at some point or another to expand your prospects and selling capacity. The only road to growth also includes mistakes and rejection. The best thing about those two setbacks is that you can learn from them and hopefully even in future rejections not make the same mistakes that lead to them.

Selling is scary at times. It is important to keep a positive mental attitude and detach yourself personally from the rejection you may face. The product or service that you have to offer is not going to be the perfect fit for all of your prospects and that is okay. The only way to reap reward is to put yourself out there and take risks. Over time not only will your past rejections make you a stronger individual on a personal level but you will be able to handle it and adapt professionally as well.

The fear that you may face entering a sales situation can be managed by preparing ahead of time and also approaching each sales call as an opportunity to meet the needs of your prospect and learn along the way.

One thought on “Selling is Scary”
  1. I just wrote a blog about accepting failure because it helps us grow as salespeople and in companies, too. I also agree that it will build you as a stronger individual!!

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