I found this fantastic article by David Skok on a site called For Entrepreneurs and it is pretty much the summary of this Sales class. This particular article focuses on helping entrepreneurs sell themselves, their ideas, and their products. It gives different steps to help sell by not selling. It covers topics that we have discussed in class such as “customers liking to buy, but not enjoying being sold to.”

The largest underlying theme discussed is the importance of creating relationships and building trust with prospects. The artical points out discovering your customers’ wants and needs and showing them how your product will add value to their lives. Through this quick read the author gives examples of how to create relationships in person as well as online and through technology. It gives specific ways to nuture digital relationships and add value through online interactions.

The entire artical stresses how important it is to know the customer and know their pain. If you know their pain then you can point out the value of your product for them. What I really enjoyed about it was the focus on selling digitally. I think this is a really important concept to understand and practice because of how dependent the world is becoming on technology. I really think this article points out how even as the mode of sales changes the core principles of sales do not. Even in the most impersonal setting, sales is still an extremely personal occupation and it is important that we recognize and capitalize upon that idea.

3 thoughts on “You Don’t Need to Sell to Get the Sale”
  1. I thought the article was really interesting and that it is a good point that we have to adapt selling strategies for living in a tech dependent world.

  2. Building relationships online is definitely a new field and a difficult one at that. The idea of leveraging one’s brand, reputation and digital friendliness to establish and make online sales is a brave new idea. It will be interesting to see which companies succeed and which companies fail at this.

  3. Great post! It is absolutely amazing how digitalized our world is becoming. This being the case, it is essential to be a company that pays attention to this and puts forth effort to sell digitally.

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