During the past two summers, I have had the incredible opportunity to work within a marketing startup in Texas called the Catalyst Agency. This startup has only existed for about 5 years and like most start-ups, it was founded in the CEO’s garage. We offer numerous services such as web design, social media management, custom printing, clothing design, digital/printable advertisements, and inventory management. My role within with the business mainly revolved around the logistics and customer relationships side of things. I managed our warehouse and was responsible for picking up, dropping off, and shipping out most of our products and supplies. Spending two summers working behind the scenes for a business like this one was extremely valuable to me and taught me more than I ever thought it would.

The first lesson that I learned during my time of “non-sales selling” was that even if you are not the one officially closing the sale, you have a key role in that process. Whenever I would be picking up or dropping off supplies or orders, I would attempt to be as professional as possible in order to leave that customer or partner with an amazing perspective of the business. Every individual within the business represents it no matter how big of a role they may have. Another key aspect of working within a business’s logistics setting is that good work you do behind the scenes will benefit B2B relationships and therefore increase sales. When you perform well in this setting, it will make the selling process easier because your business has already been building its reputation and rapport.

2 thoughts on “My Sales Expereince within a Marketing Startup”
  1. So cool that you were able to be so integrated in this process, especially with a new start-up! The training and experiences that you’ve had I’m sure has effected the way you sell a product, or how you interact with potential customers.

  2. That is awesome that you could get this experience! I really see where you are coming from with the prospective of selling that doesn’t directly involve selling. The other workers at a company really make a huge difference in how you perceive the product and the business.

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