When you were younger, you probably sold something like lemonade at the corner of your block. That, in the end, never seemed to get sold because you and your sibling or friend ended drinking all of the lemonade then called it a day. But during the time you still had lemonade you probably sold a few cups to some mom and dad as they walked past. Within that interaction you had with those parents you had to go through the selling process; even though you might not have known you were.

You first had to market your lemonade; probably by yelling as loud as you could at every car that drove by or by waving a homemade sign that, like the photo above, was written with many errors. But that yelling and errors got the attention of prospect buyers who walked up to you, and probably asked, “What are you selling here?” You then went and told them what you were selling. Maybe in a silly you way, or you let your louder friend tell them. Then they would either talk with you for a little bit, but not actually buy your lemonade. The others would continue and ask about how much it was, depending on if you wrote the price on your sign. In the end, if the price was low enough the adult would then proceed to buy a cup and you would pour them some and wait for the money. Once you got the money the sell was over.

In real selling, though, the sell would not be over, as you would have the follow up and checking in, and the likes. If you were thoughtful enough as a kid after getting the money, you would ask how the lemonade is, though the adult would probably lie if whats bad, and tell you it is really good.

2 thoughts on “Sell Like A Kid”
  1. This is a fun analogy. Even if it’s not specifically selling lemonade, we’ve all sold something as kids and had to learn the basics of the selling process.

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