Over the past few months, I have embarked on a new journey of trying to find a summer internship. I started out by just searching online for Entrepreneurship internships in North Carolina. However, I quickly found that there really are very few explicit entrepreneurship internships, at least in my hometown. I decided to expand to other “business” fields, and found lots of marketing, sales, HR, supply chain management, and other internships. I realized that there was probably a reason there were so few entrepreneurship internships; people think of entrepreneurship as starting your own business, and internships involve working in some low-level capacity in someone else’s company. These two don’t go together, at least not in their traditional definitions. However, I did a few different interviews for sales and marketing internships, and when I told them I was an entrepreneurship major, they were very interested in that. I did two sales internship interviews, and in both of them, I talked about how learning about sales is a facet of learning about entrepreneurship, along with many other aspects of business.

Last week, I was talking to a woman at my gym back home about how I was looking for internships, but felt like I was at a disadvantage because I was applying for a lot of marketing and business internships but I thought they probably want people with those specific majors. I continued to tell this woman about how I love my major and what I am learning about ecommerce and sales. She said she loved how diverse the skillsets I was learning was, and she said she was working on a startup beer store about ten minutes away from my house. She offered me a job and said she would love to make it an entrepreneurship internship for me if she could. So, I guess there is such thing as an entrepreneurship internship 🙂

One thought on “Entrepreneurship Internship- An Oxymoron?”
  1. This is a cool story and a great analysis of what kinds of strengths we have as Entrepreneurship majors. I do think it hard to find internships, but at the same time any internship can be helpful for entrepreneurs because experience in all the fields any field can help us learn new skills to apply to our own companies.

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