I’ve learned so much about selling over the course of this class, and one of the biggest parts about that has been asking questions and digging for information. I can easily see how this can be applied to a selling situation, a salesperson asking a prospect how their business runs in order to get more information about the business and better help them solve their problems, however, I think some of these very same sales techniques can be used everyday, even in your average conversation with your best-friend. You see, conversations using these techniques can be rich, you can find out more about your friend, digging and finding things you never even knew about your friend before. A conversation like this can also bring you and your friend closer together, especially if they use the same approach you would use. If this would be implemented, people would grow extremely close with one another, and relationships between all people would be that much better.

Another sales technique you could implement into your daily conversations is the 1-10 principle. Using this principle would go as follows, a friend or person tells you about an experience they had recently, and in response you would ask them to rate their experience on a 1-10 scale. After they have done this, you will be able to ask the next question, why didn’t you pick a lower number? This will then spark a completely new thought, and give you greater insight as to how their overall experience was. The same concept can be applied if it were flipped as well, a friend could ask you to rate an experience you had on a scale from 1-10, and they would reap the benefits from you

Overall, Using sales techniques in everyday conversations can lead to deeper relationships between people, and I think it would be beneficial for all of us to try implementing it at least once into our lives.

3 thoughts on “Can you use sales techniques in an everyday conversation?”
  1. I tried the 1-10 scale question with friends and it was awesome to see their reaction when they realized what I had done. Its such a good way to bring the positive out of any situation or mixed response you might get from a prospect or even a friend!

  2. I think the most powerful part of this technique is the “Why didn’t you pick a lower number?” question. It allows for a prime opportunity for depth. Often times I think people are scared to answer a question like this on the surface level and hope it passes. This question, I think, creates a comfortable tone for people to go deeper. Great post!

  3. I used the 1-10 scale the other day after dinner and it was a great way to practice a great sales tactic. People might not even notice what you are doing by asking this and it’s a great way to dig for more information about mixed emotions.

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