One of the most important aspects of sales is being able to leverage your strengths in a conversation. The ability to do so allows for one to not only be more comfortable but additionally maintain control over the conversation to some extent. One of the most highly regarded strengths tests in the professional work force is Clifton’s Strengths Finder test. This test seeks to help individuals “discover what they naturally do best, learn how to develop their greatest strengths, and use customized results to live their best life…” (From <

In the context of sales each individual brings different strengths and weaknesses to the table. Ultimately a salesperson who knows themselves well can settle into a successful sales conversation more easily. My number one Clifton Strength is WOO, which stands for “Winning Others Over”, that might indicate that I need a bit of time to get to know someone in the conversation before I just try to close the deal. Other strengths lend themselves to more analytical approaches to sales as opposed to relational approaches. Knowing my top strengths also allows me to plan for my weaknesses. I am not a planner, all of my top strengths are in the Relationship Building category except for one. The other main categories are Influencing, Executing, and Strategic Thinking. Knowing that these three categories aren’t my natural inclination, I can plan ahead and intentionally execute plans for follow up with prospects, strategically approach a conversation with solid background information, and seek to positively influence all of the prospects who I am able to interact with.

Walking into a sales conversation where you have a lot of unknown variables present, it is important to know yourself and apply that knowledge to increase the potential for a successful sales call. If you are able to essentially “sell your strengths”, that will help you to leverage the product or service that you are selling to set your prospect at ease and apply relationship building, strategic thinking, execution, and influencing to your business.

2 thoughts on “Find and Sell Your Strengths”
  1. I have taken the StrengthFinder test and my goodness, it got me to a T. Anytime I apply for a job, I bring my Strengths with me as a way to show people who I am and what I excel at. Which, funny enough, I am the exact opposite as you! I live in the Executing and Strategic Thinking realms! Always helpful to know who you are, and how you work!

  2. I agree that it is important for a salesperson to sell what they are good at. If you are being yourself and showing that you truly care about the thing that you are selling then you will be able to sell the product with ease.

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