While interviewing for internships for this summer, I was able to use some of the techniques we have learned in this class in order to get more job offers. What I was able to do possibly most successfully was identifying the need, or pain that a company had and needed to fill, then showing them how I was the perfect candidate to fill that position.

Image result for interviewing

For example, I interviewed with a Christian summer camp who needed someone to do their marketing this summer. During the interview process, I found out where they had struggled in the past with marketing. I showed them what I would be able to do during my time with them, and how my work would benefit the camp down the road.

Not only does identifying the pain show your potential employer that you care more about their company doing well than you care about yourself simply getting a job, but it also can serve to show yourself what kind of things you will need to do in order to get the employer where they need to be.

We don’t have to wait until we are in an actual sales position to apply the skills that we learn in our sales class. As professor Sweet has said many times, we can be implementing these skills into the things we are doing every day, and if we do this, we will be able to use the tools much more effectively when it comes time to use them in an actual sales situation.

By ODayBJ1

4 thoughts on “Great Interview Experience”
  1. It’s great that you were able to apply some of the things we learned in class to your interview experience. It’s cool that we can use non-sales selling techniques without having to be in sales. Great post!

  2. I think this a great example non-sales selling by identifying pain. Most internship interviews really revolve around why your are the best fit. You can demonstrate why you’re the best candidate by knowing exactly the issue their having. From this, you’re answers can always center around how you resolve the employers pain.

  3. This is such a good example about how sales principles are applicable in all facets of life! It is really interesting that you were able to seek the pain of companies in interviews and display your strengths to fill those needs. This class came at the perfect time to apply principles to summer internship interviews, glad you got to apply the knowledge gained so quickly and effectively!

  4. This is such a good example of selling yourself to a company because you found the pain and were able to come through and show them how you could be an asset in their weak area.

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