Culture is changing all the time but it has changes a lot quicker since the generation of the Millennial’s were born. Before this, baby boomers were the big buyers of things and people would have to market and sell to them. Now the younger generations have taken over the big market share for most products.

Millennial’s expect a very different way of being sold to than past generations. They also expect a lot more from salespeople and want much higher service from in person selling as possible. This is due to the fact that Millennial’s have grown up with access to the internet and know that if they don’t like what you are selling they can just look up another one and get it.

The current process of selling is now used with more of a relationship and knowing what the customer actually wants. Salespeople can’t just say their best features and try to trick people into using their product but they must drive traffic without being too forceful.

This also applies to advertising. Advertising is a type of sales and millennial’s react very different to advertising than others. They need a lot more modern techniques and tactics to get them interested. This is very prevalent in television ads especially. You can always tell if an ad was made by someone over the age of 35 or under. The younger generation is unaffected by the ad in a positive way if it was made by someone of an older generation because they really don’t understand how much technology affects these millennial’s.

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2 thoughts on “Selling to the Millennial”
  1. This is a really interesting perspective on our generation. I think that the rise of technology has and will continue to radically change the landscape of sales. It’s less of an informative situation and more of an experience that people expect and want to be a part of.

  2. I agree I think malential have this idea of a buyer seller relationship. They love cool features and special discounts and updates. Mellenials really enjoy the idea of being part of a user network and I future sales people can build off that

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