Grove City College is a purchase that most likely everyone reading this also made. So what does the buying aspect look like from a perspectives side?

Well it depends on the buyer, small or large school, close or far from home, how much does price factor in your decision? These 3 characterizations of a college can narrow down the thousands of college’s to just a couple.

So let’s say your down to your final 5 colleges, this is when the little things begin to matter more. How pretty is the campus, what’s the classroom size, these smaller details are the next step in narrowing down your potential colleges.

Finally, you have your last two colleges. Obviously Grove City College is better then the competitor, but why? For me it was the post college career services that made a big difference. I like to look big picture a lot and when looking at my post college career I thought Grove City College gave me the best chance to be successful.

Leave a comment on why you choose Grove City College!

2 thoughts on “My biggest purchase (GCC)”
  1. this is interesting! whether grove city explicitly stated it or not, grove city knows a big pain of future students in choosing a college is thinking will this get me where i need to go. Being attuned to the kids emotions and pain when entering college really helped them have an edge over their competitors.

  2. The alumni connections was the same thing that sold me on this school. I could have went to any other state school, but I chose here because I saw the most opportunity when it came to forming relationships and finding a good job out of college.

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