Understanding the psychology of a prospect and how they think is very important to sales. This can help you learn more about the prospect, get the sale, or increase the amount of money you make.

One main thing to understand is that people like to buy, but not be sold to. They like to have the power in a sales situation, and not feel like they are being manipulated to buy a certain thing. So the salesperson needs to keep this in mind and make sure the client feels like they have power. The salesperson should keep control of the situation and the questions that are asked, but not too much that it overwhelms the prospect. They also need to make the prospect feel important and ask questions about them, dive deeper into the problem they are having, and help them find the solution – not necessarily you telling them the best solution.

Prospects also can get easily overwhelmed in a conversation. One way this can happen is by having two many options. To get around this, it is good to only provide a few options to the prospect, at least on the outside. Maybe try bracketing, like the price tactic, but involve the aspects of the product or service as well. So say that the first package includes these three things, the second package includes those three things plus two more, and the top package provides all of those plus three more things. This can make it easier for the prospect to see an estimate of where they fit in what they need and in the price they can pay. After that is decided, you can break up that package a little more and take out or add things in a smaller fashion, rather than starting with that from the beginning.

Prospects also might not really see themselves using a certain product or service or see the full benefit it can provide. A way to get around this is by telling them a story about another customer who had a similar problem and how they were helped by this. It allows the prospect to relate to that person, and also maybe see more of the problem they are having.

There is much more to learn about prospect psychology and how to overcome it, and it takes time and experience to learn all of it. The important thing to remember is be consistent, know your prospect, and learn from your experience to help the next sale go better.

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