Selling to family

Something that we have mentioned in class is “selling” to family. I don’t mean selling them a product, though I’m sure this could apply in that way too! I’m talking about when you want someone to agree with what you’re saying, but it’s family, so you have to still treat them with respect. Many times when you are interacting with family, everyone has their own opinions, so how do you navigate hearing those opinions, while still ultimately gaining the support of everyone? Now since we are at Grove City, we won’t discuss manipulation, or coercion, as those aren’t very Christ-like! But, we can discuss how we use things like the 70/30 rule and clarity to help us understand and gain perspective. 

Something that my family struggles with is letting our other family members finish talking without interrupting. When my mom starts to talk about something, I generally have a comment to go along with it, and instead of patiently waiting for her to finish, I just jump in and start talking. Sometimes this is fine, but other times it has led to some pretty big issues. We have all had to really practice listening more than talking! This lines up perfectly with the 70/30 rule. When you are trying to get people to agree with you, or support your opinion, isn’t it better to hear them out first? Before jumping down their throat with your own ideas and thoughts? (The answer is yes!) 

Clarity in family is something a little harder to explain, but just as important as listening. Since clarity is all about helping people see things from a new perspective, family is the perfect place to practice this. If you are trying to help people see things from your perspective, show them why your solution might help them. If they can see that it truly will help them, people, and family, are more likely to be interesting in your solution. 

All in all, family might end up agreeing with you, and they might not, but at least you’ll be practicing some good sales techniques!

Image result for shrug gif

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