One day my Father and I were talking about his business and how he sells, I started asking him questions about his sales process before and after what he does to make the most out of it. The Part I will be going over here is the what he does before a Sales meeting and how it overlaps with Interrogative self talk.

When my Father was describing to me what he does before a sales talk he told me a couple things the first thing was that he wants to know exactly why, or at least as close to that, the client wants to buy the product so he ask him self if what he is selling is really what the client wants. The Second thing he goes through is his list of questions he asks himself before his meeting to make sure he was ready, some questions are: what is the purpose of my product? Why do people want my product? is it better than other products? Finally he asks himself what is the best way to make this meeting come out positive?

there are many parallels to Interrogative Self Talk that we talked about in class, being asking our self if we really believe we can make the sale, asking questions instead of just making statements to prepare our self and also knowing your prospect so that you can make the sale go smoothly

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