When you need something… where do you instinctively go?

We have been conditioned during our lives to trust certain brands, the previous experiences we have had with them strengthen this over time which is why you develop brand loyalty. Just as you develop brand loyalty to companies and their products, you can develop a similar loyalty in your relationships with other people.

Graham posing in front of a property he sold to a client in Los Angeles.

When we have positive experiences with a salesperson, we are often happy to work with them again in the future as we develop trust with them. An example of this can be seen with the real estate agent (and YouTuber) Graham Stephan who works to build relationships with his clients as he understands the importance of the lifetime value of a customer. The people he helps today may come back to him when selling/buying a house down the road, or refer him to friends/neighbors.

This is why it pays to not pressure customers into a sale but rather to listen and help guide them in discovering the solution to their problem!

Can you think of any relationships in which you developed a similar bond of trust with a salesperson? Comment below!

By Cameron Suorsa

Entrepreneur, Student, and Intern.

One thought on “In Brands We Trust – Building Relationships”
  1. Of course we think of brand loyalty as sort of an arbitrary sense that we can trust what’s most popular, but nothing beats a positive personal experience with an employee. Personally, if a salesperson is helpful or friendly I’m infinitely more likely to buy from them than from a popular brand. That’s why emphasizing customer service works, because once someone has devoted their time to helping you, you have a foundation of trust.

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