Did you know dissatisfied customers will tell 9 out of 10 people about there problem? This shows that WOM (Word of Mouth) is extremely powerful and it can bring your business reputation down.  I think most forget that service after the sale is just as important as getting the sale itself. In other words, customer service never STOPS. Customer service is a continual check-up to make sure that your customer is completely satisfied. And if you don’t, as we just heard, 9 to 10 people are going to hear about it. Positive word of mouth will lead to future leads and future referrals, Not to mention that a customer who is continually satisfied will become a loyal customer. They will become your free ambassador and tell everybody how great your product/service is, Maybe they will go on social media and share how your product is making their life easier. This is all a win for your organization but how exactly can you best give “service after the sale?”

Outstanding customer service happens when these things are happening in your organization:

  • Good Service Starts At The Top: Companies with great service have chief executives who make it their mission. They’re not afraid to spend money, hire experts and structure the corporation around the goal of sterling service.
  • Service Is Seen As A Continual Challenge: Companies with outstanding customer service are more eager to talk about their continuing efforts than to accept praise for a job well done.
  • These Are Companies Where People Want To Work: Companies that excel at customer service are often also known for providing relatively good pay and benefits. They trust their employees to make decisions, then routinely stand behind those decisions.


As future salespeople, we will be most likely working for different organizations. We want to work for an organization that prioritizes customer service. Sales does not STOP when the customer makes one purchase. That’s why there is thing call customer lifetime value. A customer has lifetime value for an organization. What says that customer won’t buy 10 of your products and tell 30 others about your new product. This is why it is so vitally important to follow up with a sale and continue to make sure if the customer is satisfied. Here are some tips to best maximize your service after the sale:

  • Communicate thoroughly and frequently
  • Go the extra mile
  • Follow up on details of your agreements
  • Create a memorable experience

By Falco

3 thoughts on “Service After The Sale”
  1. Great post! I also wrote about service after the sale and how without it, customers are not likely to return. You had some good tips in this post, and I think going the extra mile for everyone really helps show them you care and that you want them to have the best experience possible. That will usually bring customers back as well as help spread word of mouth.

  2. Agreed, Steve. It’s unfortunate, but I hear a lot more complaints from my friends and parents about poor customer service than any glowing reviews. Even from personal experience I know that good customer service is so rare now that I’m absolutely ecstatic when I’m actually treated well.

  3. Reminds me of a story Dr. Powell tells in Principles of Marketing. Back when he was a salesman, he sold an elderly woman a refrigerator. Shortly before Thanksgiving, she stocked her fridge with all that she had made for the big day. To her shock, the fridge broke down overnight, and the cooking spoiled. She complained to customer service, and Dr. Powell talked to her personally, took an inventory of all that she had lost, brought her a new fridge, and had someone refill it with fresh food. She proceeded to tell all of her elderly friends, who proceeded to shop only at Dr. Powell’s location. Dr. Powell’s company certainly went the extra mile and created a memorable experience.

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