Over spring break I had the chance to attend a meeting with my dad for his job. My Dad has been in the insurance business for over 20 years and is beginning to break into an aspect of financial advising as well. We had the chance to sit down with someone who is going to work with my dad and provide him some training in the advisory business.

Bob, the individual we met with, has been a “financial swing coach” for 30 years now. He told us the analogy that if we were entered into the Masters Golf Tournament would we rather have the clubs of any pro we could think of or would we choose the certain professional’s ability instead. Obviously, we both said we would rather have their skill over their clubs. This was key! Bob said that so many advisors today promise greater returns for their clients by solely offering a better product. What if it’s not about product, but the clients financial mistakes that are being made is what the issue is. What Bob meant by this was the mistakes individuals are making when it comes to their approach to debt, taxes and opportunity costs.

Bob, like so many other financial advisors is a salesman. He is selling himself, his expertise and ability to help individuals prepare for their future financially. Bob hit on all the key selling points we have discussed in class. Sales is not just about pushing product, but is coming alongside an individual, finding their pain and providing them a better approach to what they are trying to attain. Bob understood this and has been very successful because of it.

One thought on “Sales is More Than Product”
  1. I love this post Brian, Bob literally hit the main topics we have been talking about in class! I’m a big golfer, and so this analogy really rings true, and is super easy to understand! I’ve always thought that business was mainly product based, but am learning more and more that sales is about selling yourself first – whether that be trust in your relationship, or selling yourself as a salesperson!

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