In Forbes’ 2011 list of 10 Companies that Pay Salespeople Really Well (can’t get more straightforward than that, right?), SAP America Inc. is featured at the top. Located on the sprawling former Ellis Estate, SAP’s futuristic glass building boasts an imposing, and by all rights, impressive presence on Newtown Square, the Southeastern Pennsylvania town neighboring my own.

If you want to make a few bucks, big tech firms are one of the most lucrative places for budding salespeople to start.  A Bureau of Labor Statistics survey reflecting data from May 2010 reported that, “On average, sales representatives for wholesalers and manufacturers of technical and scientific products make $84,360 in base salary and commission.” As Forbes pointed out, sales representatives at SAP double it up, earning twice the average salary of others in their industry.

So what makes tapping SAP such a monetarily rewarding experience? 

Current employees on explain that it’s all about:

  • Access to the latest training material
  • Direct contact with the product development team
  • Pragmatic and employee friendly work environment

If you’re looking for a sales position, even if you’re unable to land one with a company like SAP, it follows that those who offer just some of the characteristics outlined above might be the ticket to significant career gains.

The only other question is: what do you have to sacrifice in order to realize those rewards? That’s something the contributors on Glassdoor didn’t take the time to share.

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