Being very much a novice in selling, and having almost no sales experience, this class is both important and intriguing.  I hope to summarize what I’ve learned from the class and give examples of real world applications in my posts.

I have been trying for the past few months now to find a job, both here and at home, or a job for this coming summer.  I’ve been applying everywhere possible, and I’ve found that enthusiasm is not as persuasive as I originally thought.  What I have discovered is that going and asking about employment opportunities is very much a sales experience.  It is something that you have to be genuine while doing, you have to be honest and you have to be driven.  It is also helpful to be an expert in the field you are applying to work in and to be able to quickly demonstrate that.  Showing interest is also very helpful in this setting, I have found that to be especially true applying for jobs on Broad Street, which has plenty of small business owners.  Of course, this sales process is made easier by picking up an application in person, and talking to a manager, otherwise you depend on your application which for me creates an instant disadvantage.

This is non- sales selling position that I find myself in is one that I have gotten much better at since starting this class.  Working on not saying too much, trying to talk about skills without saying too much, and being charismatic.  Actually, using the sales skills mentioned would have successfully landed me a job, but I got my application in a few minutes after someone else did.  The issue was the employer needed employees very badly, which I heavily emphasized to her, but she had to fill the position before I got back to her.

Finding a job is still proving impossible, and I am really just praying for a job so that I can gain work experience to get a job when I’ve graduated.  It is discouraging, but I am learning from looking and this dilemma will probably prove to help me learn perseverance, patience, and make me better at selling myself, even to future customers.

2 thoughts on “Non- sales Selling and Finding a Job”
  1. I think most of us can relate to this. I know Abbey and I definitely have trouble finding clients, especially here in Grove City. Good luck! Like you said, being genuine and driven are both very important.

  2. Taking the application right to the manager shows determination and initiative. In and job that isn’t a boring manual labor job you will require knowledge. Show that in the interview along with your enthusiasm and you will see results.

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