Have you ever come across the salesman that quite obviously isn’t in a very good mood? There have been a handful of times where I went ready to purchase something and ended up turning away due to the salespersons attitude. Being friendly with your potential customers will get you much farther than many other tactics. No matter how knowledgeable you are on the product or service you are selling, not being polite and professional with your customer will get you nowhere. Establish great communication skills and be positive. Once these skills are mastered then you can go add new tactics to your sales toolbox to have more sales and be much more successful.

By Funyak

3 thoughts on “Be Nice”
  1. Everyone has a bad day now and then. You have to be able to put on a facade whenever you are interacting with people for business. Being in a bad mood is never an excuse, especially when your interacting with a potential or currently paying customer.

  2. I really agree with this – The attitude that you take into a situation will have a drastic effect on the outcome. When you talk to them with a positive approach, they will pick up on that and respond accordingly. I think this can make a huge difference in the amount that you sell.

  3. Selling without a good attitude is barely selling at all. How are you supposed to stay focused on the customer if you can’t even keep your attitude in check.

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