One of my favorite things to do is to network and meet new people.

I have been networking in the “official” sense since my freshman year of college, but we all naturally are selling ourselves constantly throughout life. Whether you were trying to convince your parents to let you do something as a kid, or are now hunting for a job… you are selling. Since you are selling yourself on a daily basis, you have become an expert at doing so. We are all experienced in non-sales selling, and it is something that we can spend time on and develop further over time.

Earlier today, I gave my mock sales pitch in class, and although everything that could have gone wrong did… ultimately I learned from it. In fact, later that day, I had two calls scheduled that were follow-ups from a networking event… and both of those calls went very well! From this experience, I realized the importance of knowing your product (in this case, myself!), knowing your prospect (being prepared/research), and ultimately the power of repetition/endurance in sales as it is a skill that is built over the course of years (and decades).

Comment below how you have implemented some of the things we have learned in our sales class into your life outside of the classroom.

By Cameron Suorsa

Entrepreneur, Student, and Intern.

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