As some of you may have heard, Pebble Time has broken the record yet again for most money raised on Kickstarter. They raised 15 million dollars in their second round on the site, and raised the first million of that in less than 48 hours. This is all very impressive, but what struck me about this business is their sales model. First, Kickstarter fundraising is essentially just presales. They are given money for development and in return get the finished product. But Pebble Time took a unique approach to the levels of pledges that people can give. Giving $5,000 to their fund places you in the distributor tier. You get thirty of their watches with which you can sell on your own. They did this because they were trying to get their product into Wal Mart but Wal Mart wouldn’t pay them for their product for six months after receiving them. Pebble Time, being an very innovative start-up said we can do better than that. Now they have their own customers marketing and selling their products all over.

One thought on “A New Take on Sales”
  1. This is a really interesting post, especially because Pebble is so big right now. They are a great example of what it looks like to be a good company who sells well. I can’t wait to see where they go!

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