The annual championship of the National Football League– better known as the Super Bowl– is one of the biggest days for companies to make an impact on potential and existing customers. As I am currently watching the game myself I have been able to witness many companies try to expand their customer range with very cleaver and funny commercials; these have included Ford Motors, Bud Light, E-trade, Pepsi, and Hellmann’s Mayo. These are obviously not the only companies trying to role out new products and services, but they were some of the big names that many people know. Even the photo below is an advertisement for the brand Pringles.

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Pringles Commercial from Super Bowl 2021

    However, all of these advertisements we sold in and of themselves as CBS and the NFL are selling the right in order to air the commercials in front of the millions of people watching this sporting event. Based on the information that I found on, the price to purchase 30 seconds of advertisement space during this game cost the a company $5.5 million in 2021. Billy Heyen, the author of the article states, “Since more than 100 million people in the United States tune into the Super Bowl via either traditional television or streaming services, commercials are in high demand.” 

The importance of these advertisements to the companies who create them help generate revenue and convince customers to buy: in essence they are selling. The selling is even seen in the game itself. When the halftime whistle blows and the teams go into the locker room, more selling occurs. There is a halftime performance by either one or more musical artists who preform in front of the people watching in person and on TV however, these artists are not paid for their performance.

The Weeknd was this year’s performer and like many others who have preformed on this stage, he was not paid for his time and talents. But The Weeknd still sold himself. His exposer to millions of people and his music will most likely increase streams, record sales, and potential concerts in the future.

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The Weeknd

This even goes deeper to the food and beverages that are bought in order to enjoy the game with friends and family are sold to millions across the Untied States of America. So the next time you watch a commercial and think this company is selling to you a product you may never purchase, remember that there were so many other sales that occurred in order to even bring you to the current moment. As the third quarter comes to a close the art of selling will continue as the Super Bowl Sale continues.

One thought on “The Super Bowl Sale”
  1. Something I learned is that having a platform is such a good way to make money. Apple, Google, and Steam all charge 30% for all app sales. In this case, the ad revenue is insane because of the great viewership. Owning a platform is like owning a water bank in the west.

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