Life is not easy, it will not go your way, you will face challenges and failures. The same thing goes for sales. There will be shut downs, rejections, poor selling and customer experiences and extreme pressure. The important thing is to ask yourself, What are you gonna do about it? Are you going to give up and play the victim or are you going to move forward and make a change?

In the clip that I have attached from the movie Rocky, Rocky is giving his son some motivational advice to his son that demonstrates the importance of moving forward:

Here Rocky Balboa understands the challenges that his son experiences due to his status, but what’s important to notice is that Rocky challenges his son to start taking responsibility of his own life and not let his family status dictate his success. Success comes from learning and growing from challenges and therefore moving on to press towards the end goal. In sales, when faced with challenges, it is vital to react responsibly otherwise you are putting yours and the company’s reputation on the line. It can actually cause more damage than what’s already been done. Adjustment must be made to close those deals, ensure customer satisfaction and maintaining the goal of the company and product.

So don’t be a coward and quit when things get difficult. Remember this acronym (yes it is cheesy but hopefully helpful) CALM: Correct, Adjust, Learn and Move. Remembering these four steps will ensure that when you face a challenge in the sales world, but also life in general, you can be better equipped to respond responsibly and effectively to moving forward.

2 thoughts on “Moving Forward”
  1. Fantastic post! I loved your CALM acronym. I think as you said it not only applies to sales but many other aspects in life. Especially in sales, things can go wrong or not go as planned so it is important to remember CALM and move on. I really like the Adjust part of your acronym. I think when selling that adjust part is essential because sometimes when dealing with and selling to different people, you have to be ready to take a different approach with things.

  2. I love this scene. The best part is when Rocky starts telling his son that he stopped being himself. Life will hit you hard and you need to get up and keep moving because life will keep you down if you let it. Believe in yourself and do not change for anyone. Thanks for reminding me of this clip!

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