I guess recruiting is consider a type of selling. So when I was trying to get recruited by college coaches, I tried every channel I can find: emails, recruiting websites, and I went or soccer ID camps during the summers since freshman year of high school. I also made a montage of my best moments and posted them on my Next College Student Athlete (NCSA) website. Many have viewed my clip and some of them reached out to me. One of them was Coach Parson of the United States Coast Guard Academy. We have setup a phone call

Honestly I could not remember most of the stuffs we talked about except this one thing. Toward the end, Coach Parson asked me, “Why do you want to attend the Coast Guard Academy?” I answered confidently, “Because I Want to Become a Naval Officer”.

“I wANt tO BeCoME a NAvaL ofFiCEr”.

One of the dumbest things I have ever said. I would definitely rank it my top five.

Apparently my stupid a** thought that the Coast Guard and the Navy have similar job and cross-commission is an option. However, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! The Coast Guard is under The DHS and the Navy is under DOD, which means that they get moneys from different sources. Why would the Coast Guard invest in making a naval officer? It is almost like you going to Google IT school, then leave google and start working for Apple upon completion.

Sellers, you really have to know what your buyer NEEDS. That is the only way to start something. Or you are not going anywhere.

I can still sense the awkwardness by reading this… uggghhhh 😖.


2 thoughts on “Apparently My Stupid A** …”
  1. A good example of what we talked about in class, where the salesperson should be aware of whether their product is actually a good fit for the customer. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Doing your research is definitely important in the world of sales. We should never go into a sale unprepared or ill informed. If we do our research and adequately prepare, the sale will flow much smoother and be in our favor. Great sales insight, with a very interesting story about the dangers of not knowing a customer or product!

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