There are many rules when it comes to sales which include many things that you should do, as well as what you should not. I am going to bring up three of the do nots when it comes to sales.

Sales people should not be doing the majority of the talking, but actually the client should. They feel more comfortable when they are in control of the situation and those who are a little offensive in their buying approach will tend to back off and feel better since they are the ones talking and not the sales person.

Being unprepared for your pitch is a huge problem since they will end up saying things that are not true or get caught off guard since they do not know enough about the product. If you are not prepared then you will not be able to make the sale.

The last thing people tend to struggle with is asking for the sale. Sales people will at times forget why they are even there since they are so engaged with the client and got distracted at their main goal, which is ultimately to sell their product.

4 thoughts on “The Do Nots of Sales”
  1. A couple of great thoughts on the “do nots” of sales. Salespeople should always go into a pitch expecting to explain the product, but also ready to listen to the customer. Customers want their voice and needs to be heard, and it is tough to listen to the customer when you are continuously talking. Their are many different methods of closing a sale, such as the assumptive close or trial based close. A salesperson should know their customer and various closes to adjust the closing method they use to that customer.

  2. Great blog Alex! I definitely agree with the ending there about how people struggle with asking for the business! Like you said, people get too caught up in what is going on and by the time they get to the end of the sales pitch they forget what they are there for! I think it could be hard to find the balance of not getting too caught up in your sales pitch and focusing only on the close. We want to make sure the close isn’t the only thing we care about!

  3. I think these are important things for salespeople to pay attention to! They should go into a meeting expecting to talk very little and listen most of the time. They also shouldn’t go into a meeting with no sales pitch prepared or knowledge. The salesperson should have very good knowledge of the product their selling to help them be prepared for any type of questions from the customer. I think asking for the sale can be scary for many people but if you started to form a trust and relationship with the customer while finding a solution to their problem, chances are they will want to close the sale too.

  4. I think this was a good short and simple post that talked about major things that you want to avoid when in the process of making a sale. Some of the points you talked about are totally necessary to master, like knowing your product and how to anti-sell sell it.

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