When you are selling to another business person, make sure to ask questions so that the buyer is doing the majority of the talking. When you do this, you are in control of the conversation, but at the same time the buyer feels like he is the one controlling what is going on in the process. When you continually ask the client questions, they also are most likely going to open up opportunities for you to answer questions about the product when the time comes. This is extremely important so that you are not the one to just start rambling on about the product since they may not exactly be interested in that and could end up zoning out and not focusing on what you are saying anymore which could ultimately cause you to lose the sale that you may have been able to get. Allowing the customer to talk is key to allowing you to sell the product you are selling and finding out if you are a good fit to do business with this person and the company that they own or work for.

2 thoughts on “Buyer Does the Talking”
  1. This is just a fundamental concept in a sales process. In order to actually get information and understand the customer’s pain we need to ask questions that provoke that kind of thought.

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