The hardest thing to do when selling is not immediately switching into high pressure/persuasion mode. It is especially hard when you know you have a good product, you know it would be extremely beneficial to the customer, and you truly care deeply for the customers and want them to have what you think is the best product or service out there. However, the moment a salesperson switches to this thinking, you have the potential to lose the customer. Your prospect can start to feel intimidated by your forwardness or overwhelmed by the amount of info that they are receiving that they had not specifically asked for yet. A potential buyer wants to feel comfortable. They want to feel like they can walk out of a transaction whenever they want if it doesn’t feel right or if it isn’t exactly what they think they are looking for.

This is why a very crucial key to selling is ‘no pressure interaction’. You need to let the buyer feel like they have the power in the transaction. You need to let them know that the main objective of your conversation is not about closing the sale but actually caring for their needs and wanting to solve their potential buyers problems.

So even if you care SUPER deeply about your customers and don’t want them to miss out on your product or service when you think it’ll be advantageous for them, you have to take a step back take a breath and keep it casual.

Not only is it important to keep selling conversations casual because it makes your prospects more comfortable, but it also offers you the opportunity to get to know them more, ask them more open ended questions to fully understand their specific issues, and be more adapt at finding the BEST solution for them.

Being customer focused, offering open ended questions, and making the conversation as relaxed as possible makes the transaction more beneficial for everyone.

It even eliminates some of the pressure for you. Going into sales calls thinking that you have to close immediately or you are doing something wrong or are a failure, makes the whole transaction all the more stressful for you and make you want to never waste a single second and make sure that the buyer knows EVERYTHING about your you, EVERYTHING about your business, and ALL the advantages about your product or service ASAP — with every little detail laid out for them. Leading a more casual conversation allows you to be able to slow down and relax as much as the other person and make it an easy situation for the both of you.

So when having a conversation with a potential buyer, start slow, start casual, and keep the customer in mind over yourself and the sale. That is the key to sales and it makes they whole transaction easier on both you and the individual you are attempting to sell to.

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