So many people think that as soon as the actual physical sale is over, that’s it, you can move on. But that is not how its supposed to work. The selling of a product or service continues long past when the actual transaction takes place, because you need to be there if anything goes wrong and be ready to make it right. The reputation of a company can quickly be diminished if its employees totally neglect a buyer after a sale and don’t bother to help them if they have an issue. I really puts you as a business in a bad light.

Customer service is everything, and it doesn’t just include the time presale. Post-sale customer service is just as important and potentially even more important. Also because so many companies have poor customer service, so any company that does give quality customer service has an instant advantage and earn an instant boost of reputation. It is a no brainer that you should want to offer good customer service.

Yes, some may think that as long as they keep closing they will be all good. However, if you do not offer good customer service, then eventually negative word will spread and no one will come to you any more for your product/services.

So don’t leave your customers hanging after the sale. Offer them quality customer service and earn the good reputation that will bring in the countless referrals that will actually boost your business to the next level of success.

3 thoughts on “The Post-Sale”
  1. Post-sale is so important! I once bought some camera equipment and had some buyer’s remorse because of the price, but the camera store had contacted me to check in and see if I had any follow up questions and just to make sure I was still happy with it. They answered my questions and the way they had made sure I was still happy was super thoughtful and I really appreciated it. So yes, I really do agree that the Post Sale is super important!

  2. Post-sale relationship is great when you would like that customer to come back. I think if I bought a sweatshirt online it would be strange if they called me to follow up. Certain products and services definitely need post sale relationships though.

  3. Yes, I completely agree that the sale is not over when the closing is done. Customer loyalty is very important because just like any relationship if they like and trust you they will likely come back to you for your product or service. Also, keeping in touch with them shows them that you are interested in them. But this will work better for some products and services not all of them.

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