Many people believe that the key to selling to people is being an extrovert, but that is not completely true. While it does greatly help when a sales person is outgoing and not shy, extreme extroverts can tend to talk too much. When a sales person is talking too much, this makes the buyer feel as if they are not in control anymore and usually will zone out when the sales person just keeps talking. That is why it is important to not only have someone who is extroverted, but also who can read a person’s body language and reactions, along with knowing when it is important to talk and explain versus just sit back and listen to the customer’s needs. While it is important to have some degree of extroversion, it is most important to be able to know exactly what the customer wants by listening and letting the customer feel as if they are in control.

One thought on “Extrovert Isn’t Everything”
  1. Great blog Alex! I find it very interesting that so many people believe find it hard to believe that being an extrovert actually can damage a sale by talking too much.

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