Selling is no easy task.  There are many things one must think about before, during, and even after making the sale.  For some, closing a sale might come easier to them than it does for others.  During class this week we have learned about multiple tips that can help assist an introvert with the power of attunement.  This post will focus on sales men and women with a more introvert personality.

Tips for Introverts:

1.  Practice your “ask” in advance 

It may be challenging or even nerve-racking to try and think about questions on the spot.  An easy fix for this would be to think about questions to ask before hand.  This will make you less nervous and more prepared to have an engaging conversation with the client.  It is important to have an engaging conversation because you want to find similarities between the two of you.  Thinking about questions ahead of time is a great way to prepare yourself, and make you less nervous.

2. Practice meeting people

As an introvert, meeting new people can be very unsettling.  I encourage introverts to step outside of their comfort zones, and meet new people.  This will not only give you experience dealing with new people, but it can help you practice not being nervous, and asking quality questions.  I can speak from experience, meeting new people has really made it easier to strike and engaging conversation with a stranger.

3. Pay attention to your inner voice

Many introverts may have a voice inside of their head telling them to hide, or fly under the radar.  If this is the case, you need to pay attention to that voice, and ignore it.  As an introvert, you need to make a conscious effort NOT to do that.  Instead of hiding and acting shy, try bringing attention to yourself in a good way.  This is great practice for when you get to a sales meeting, and nerves start kicking in.

4. Observe and inspect

The final tip I want to point out is to observe and inspect your surroundings.  This is very important because you can use your own powers of inspection and observation to start conversations with strangers.  Noticing your own surroundings can help strike a conversation faster than just thinking of one in your head randomly.

2 thoughts on “Selling as an Introvert”
  1. Nice tip on “paying attention to your inner voice.” It’s good to follow our inner voices sometimes, but sometimes they can be a burden and hinder us from doing what needs to be done.

  2. As a social introvert (I suppose ambivert is a better term, but I prefer my own), I enjoy reading tips like these for both introverts and extroverts because I think they’re helpful for everyone. In the same way that introverts can grow by considering tips like these, I think that extroverts can also grow by understanding how introverts approach sales. Listening on both sides leads to much more effective communication between the two.

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